If you have never experienced the pain of a migraine headache then count yourself lucky. It’s an intense pain that can vary from moderate to severe, and unlike other types of headache it can last as long as 72 hours. Of course if you have a history of migraines and headaches then real relief for the pain is what you are looking for! Medical experts are still looking for a definitive cure for migraine pain and while they are still researching you might want to try Acupuncture as way of relieving pain and restoring peace in your life.
How do you know that this isn’t all just placebo?
It might surprise you to know that the impact of Acupuncture on migraine headaches has been backed by medical evidence. The British Medical Journal published the results of a study in which a sample of 401 people, all sufferers of migraines. They divided the group into two and gave one group (Group A) 12 sessions of Acupuncture plus normal medical intervention. The control group (Group B) was not given Acupuncture and just relied on normal medical intervention.
They reported fewer headaches, a reduction in pain relief medication and less visits to the doctor and days off sick.
In a follow-up a year later indicated that Group A had experienced many benefits as a result of their acupuncture sessions. They reported fewer headaches, a reduction in pain relief medication and less visits to the doctor and days off sick. In contrast, the Group B did not report any of the same findings. Even taking into account a perceived placebo effect (ie. Group A felt better because they expected it due to the Acupuncture) researchers are convinced that Acupuncture does have a beneficial effect for migraine sufferers, Source: Web MD – Acupuncture Eases Migraine Pain.
If the pain of migraine headaches is making your life stressful, isn’t it time you booked an appointment with an Acupuncturist? Make an appointment with us today!
Schedule an appointment by calling 310.923.1314 or e-mail us at chandrascofield@gmail.com
Los Angeles Acupuncture Clinic