Acupuncture Energy Healing

Acupuncture works by directly restoring the body’s natural innate healing abilities. It is based upon the idea that we have a system of pathways of energy that moves through the body and dates back over 2,000 years. Acupuncture is a safe, drug-free healing therapy used by millions of Americans every year to prevent and treat a wide variety of health concerns.

The aim of acupuncture is not only to eliminate or alleviate symptoms, but to treat the underlying cause and improve the patient’s quality of life. One of acupuncture’s strong points is that it focuses on treating the individual, not a disease or symptom.

*Health Insurance: We do not accept health insurance. We will provide you with a Superbill to submit to your insurance for reimbursement. Please check with your insurance if you qualify for any Acupuncture reimbursements prior to making an appointment. Thank you. 

Schedule your complimentary 15 minute health consultation to discover how acupuncture, herbs and holistic nutrition can help you